We are getting very close to the "two months to go mark" for Ironman Canada.
What that really means is that there is basically only about 5 weeks or so left(as of this posting-June 15-to add some distance to your training workouts.
Of course that only applies if you plan on tapering for a full four weeks going into the race.
I hope you are because one of the most important elements to your build-up for the big race is without a doubt "lots of rest".
It took me a lot of difficult Ironman races to figure this out. Most likely in my first 9 or so Ironman races I left my best effort on the bike out on the training course somewhere.
I could never seem to figure out why the bike was so hard on race day, yet so much easier on one of those 100 mile training rides.
I think it is safe to say that most novice Ironmen go into their race over-trained and tired and make it far more difficult on themselves than necessary.
Our bodies just don't recover in a week or ten days after pushing it through training month after month.
Taper for four weeks by cutting back on your training every week until race day and you will most likely be giving yourself the best opportunity to have a successful day out on the Ironman Canada course.