I'm happy to announce that Ironstruck will have a booth at the upcoming expo for Ironman Calgary 70.3. The expo will be taking place at the Calgary Westin Hotel on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before the Sunday August 2nd race.
I'm also pleased to announce that I will be selling my latest book "Lifestruck...A Better Way For Today's Youth" for ten dollars a copy and every cent will be going to the "RIGHT TO PLAY" organization.
It's a great opportunity for triathletes to join with many Olympians who champion this cause and help kids in depressed countries. Help them to...just be kids.
I wrote Lifestruck for pre-teens and teens to encourage them to enjoy a healthy diet and adopt fitness as a way of life. So if there is a youth in your life who might enjoy this book, come on down and pick up a signed copy and at the same time help kids everywhere to be kids.
I will also be selling and signing copies of my two Ironstruck books. Hope to see you there and if you are racing, Godspeed and have fun.