Thursday, June 25, 2009


First of all, if you have gotten to the point where you are pretty well certain you are going to take on the Ironman challenge, then good for you! You are about to find out a lot about yourself and most likely you will change your life for the better forever. The Ironman is much more than an athletic event. From the very beginning when there were only a handful of daring souls willing to tackle the Ironman it has been more than an athletic event.

It's an awakening......It's a happening.......It's about becoming so much more than you ever thought possible on so many levels. You will be tested not only physically, but mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. On a practical level, you will most likely learn many new skills. Most people who decide to take on the Ironman are usually proficient in one of the three sports. Some are pretty good at two, but few are good at all three. Some have never done much swimming, biking or running. There are some like myself who were runners, but could not swim a single stroke to save their lives. That all changes once you take on the challenge of the Iron Gods. You learn how to swim, buy yourself your first road bike, start running a little at a time, read triathlon books, or get yourself a coach. Whatever you do, you are learning and improving and moving forward. Sure you learn a lot about swimming, biking and running, but you also learn about how to train, when to rest, and when to allow a bit of extra time for you body to recover. You will most likely learn a lot about eating properly and what vitamins might help you. You will learn about energy bars, gels, sports drinks, wet suits, profile bars, and heart monitors. You might learn about visualization, massage therapy, and chiropractors and whether they work for you or not. To put it simply, taking on the Ironman challenge opens up a whole new world to you.

Always look at the big picture...........You can put an incredible amount of mental, physical, and emotional strain on yourself by obsessing about whether or not you are training enough, eating properly or possibly you will have doubts about even daring to have this Ironman dream. You might ask yourself what you are doing. Do you really belong? Are you good enough?

Of course you belong and yes! are good enough! It is within your grasp if it' s in your heart. If it takes you three years to get to the swim start of your first Ironman, just think of all that you have learned along the way. One day you will be standing in front of a mirror and see how great you look and how far you have come.......AND THE RACE HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET!!! That's why you look at the big picture. There are so many rewards that will come your way during your Ironman journey.

So maybe you smoke, drink, do drugs, are overweight, or possibly have a self-esteem problem, don't believe in yourself, or perhaps all of the above. It doesn't really matter what stumbling blocks have been put in your path---And that's all they are! They are life's stumbling blocks. If it's in your heart, I truly believe it's possible to open the door to a new life and a new you any day you choose to do it.

I believe people are Ironstruck for a reason. I believe it's because those people are ready for a change in their life. Something is missing and they don't really know what. All they know is that somehow they feel incomplete..........that something is left undone...........that there are things left to do with their life. They watch an Ironman race in person or on T.V. and see for themselves the unadulterated joy of many people when they reach the Ironman finish line. All kinds of people. Housewives, cops, movie stars, pro athletes, senior citizens, millionaires, executives, or whoever....... It doesn't matter. They have all transcended to a place far beyond their station in life. Most of all, they were all equal on the Ironman highway. They all faced their demons, whatever they happened to be, and overcame them............

......and so can you.

That's why I think becoming a member of the Ironman family is so significant and such an accomplishment no matter who you are, what you do, or what country you live in.

So hang on to your dream and visit with me and let ironstruck lead you to the final 50 meter dash to the Ironman finish line. I believe in you and will help you to believe in yourself.

Perhaps you will choose to have the books I created specifically for those who love the sport of triathlon and perhaps have an Ironman dream. Ironstuck...The Ironman Triathlon Journey and Ironstruck? 500 Ironman Triathlon Questions and Answers have been instrumental in helping many aspiring triathletes live their dream.

Many people will spend thousands of dollars on bikes, equipment, traveling, lodging and entry fees and yet investing in these two Ironstruck books might ultimately be what will get you to the finish line.

There is simply no teacher as good as experience, and all the information my books contain is based on the mistakes I made over a 25 year involvement with the Ironman and the 14 times I stood knee-deep at a swim start somewhere in the world getting ready to take on the Ironman challenge. These are the same mistakes that inexperienced Ironmen make at every single Ironman event, but my books will help you avoid them.




Most likely you will never forget the first time you decided you wanted to give the IRONMAN TRIATHLON a try. Somehow it moved you....somehow it called you to action. Instinctively you just know that however long it takes, you are going to cross the Ironman finish line one day. You might not know just yet what race or what date, you just know it's going to happen. You may may not be very fit at the moment. You may even smoke or be overweight. You maybe have never been very athletic your entire life. Hell! you can't even swim a single stroke and are TERRIFIED of the water! Still, you have heard the call. It's a call that chosen people have been hearing for just over 30 years when this amazing event was first devised. I say chosen because the challenge just hits some people like a ton of bricks and they can't let go. The are DRIVEN to reach the Ironman finish line.

It can be an exhilarating experience. I know. I've been there. Didn't know anything about racing bikes, couldn't swim a stroke, never swam in the open water, but saw the Ironman on T.V. and was hooked. The Iron Gods had me in their unshakeable grasp from that moment on.

Just over a year later I crossed the finish line in Ironman Hawaii in Kona in 1984.

I remember making the swim turn 1.2 miles out in Kona Harbor and wondering "what the Hell am I doing way out here?" It was so surreal, yet I knew I was about to change my life forever.

When I crossed the finish line some 14 hours after the start swim cannon went off, I was right...It did change my life forever. Fourteen Ironman races later, an Ironman website, and two Ironman books later, and it has all brought me here to you...

Here to inspire, motivate and guide you and give you a name for the incredible force that drives to be an Ironman.........You have been IRONSTRUCK, and have come to the right place. Stay tuned for how you too can have Ironman immortality.