It was a great day for the inaugural Calgary Ironman 70.3 and although I was not able to take in the swim start, there was plenty of action in the bike to run transition and finish line area.
Organizers did a great job of making the finish area and run course spectator friendly, the weather was great, and for an inaugural race the organization appeared to be nothing short of spectacular.
Despite the absence of Ironman World Champion Craig Alexander, the quality of the field was excellent.
I arrived at the finish line just in time to find out that Timothy O'Donnell had won the race.
The picture at the top of the page is of Dan Ouimet who did an outstanding job of spear-heading the organization of Ironman Calgary 70.3. The triathlon community of Calgary owes Dan and his crew a big vote of thanks as this race will most likely be one of those Ironman races that will fill very early in the coming years thanks to their efforts in this race, the inaugural Calgary 70.3.
Triathlon is truly a family event and it was great to see so many family's out cheering on their favorite triathletes.
It was great to run into so many people who are a big part of the triathlon scene in Calgary. This is a picture of Cal Zarisky who is one of the country's best coaches and Rose Serpico who is co-owner of Tri it, the best tri store in the country.
I don't believe I have ever seem so many people who have gone out of their way to be a cheer-leading squad for the triathletes. They even dressed up as cheer-leaders and spent hours cheering people on. I know how much it used to mean to me in my racing days to have spectator support, and I'm sure it did as well to the entries in this years race. Great job and Thanks! to the cheer-leaders of Ironman Calgary 70.3.