Finished my book signings for the year with a great 3 day signing event at Market Mall. I set a target of 50 books total for the three days and that was a stretch as my tri books require just the right type of person to walk by my table. A novel for instance, would appeal to a much more diverse dynamic.
It was really pretty funny. I was at 48 books with 15 minutes to go on my last day and began to pack up because another author was scheduled to show up and take over the table. Patsy the manager said, "well you might as well keep going until he shows up". At five to three(my end time)I sold book 49 with no other author in sight.
"You might as well stay for a while longer" she said and at 3:10 I sold book #50.
I had made an appointment for 4p.m. expecting the other scheduled author to be there on time, but when I left at about 3:20 he was nowhere to be found. Too bad I had made that appointment. No telling how many more books I could have sold if I had stuck around.
My newest book "TRIATHLETE IN TRANISION" has done very well and is being well-received. At the same time people are still buying Ironstruck. My Ironstruck books have begun selling by word of mouth now that I have a few thousand copies out there.
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If you have your own website or blog and wish to increase the amount of your unique visitors, you might give these guys a try. They really seem to know that they are doing and in the first week or so they have already sent around 100 new visitors to my site and several have listed Ironstuck as one of their favorites. Increasing the monetization of your site or just trying to share more of your passion with the World Wide Web is just one simple click of a flashing button away.
Remember that my tri books are also available as downloads on Mindset Triathlon. Currently my two Ironstruck books are among the top ten in the top 100 list.
By the way, if you are looking for one of the best resources ever for triathlon and running books, be sure to visit Mindset Triathlon. You will save 30% by downloading books plus there are never any shipping charges to worry about. This is a great alternative for runners, beginner triathletes, or the novice Ironman. You will also find both of my Ironstruck books on Mindset. Currently, "Ironstruck...The Ironman Triathlon Journey" is ranked among the best.
MINDSET TRIATHLON: The ultimate online book resource center that will help you achieve your triathlon goals.

Have a great Holiday season and rest up for another triathlon season that will be in full swing in another 5 or 6 months.