There's a reason why triathlon is one of the fastest growing sports on the planet. It has captured the imagination of so many because it's a sport that has changed the lives of ordinary "extraordinary" people all over the world
It does not require you to have the perfect athletic body or to be a highly skilled swimmer, biker, or runner. As a matter of fact, many people can't swim a stroke or have not run or biked for years, yet still take up the challenge of triathlon.
In the process they learn new skills, improve fitness levels, make new friends, and attain an improved level of over-all health and well-being.
The focus of "Triathlete In Transition" is to guide and inspire new triathletes as they begin their triathlon journey.
Much like my two "Ironstruck" books, Triathlete In Transition is not just another triathlon training book. Yes it will guide you as you work your way toward your first triathlon, but more than that, it is intended to inspire and motivate you to become more than you ever thought possible. Regardless of your fitness level or athletic ability as you start on your amazing journey, TRIATHLETE IN TRANSITION has the potential to help change the course of your life forever.
In order to cover as many important components of your preparation as possible, I have invited along seven guest writers to share their wisdom and knowledge with you.
The guest experts include...
Derek Cook--Naturopathic Doctor
Grant Molyneux--Top Triathlon Coach
Kevan MacNaughton-- Over 25 years as a Bike Shop Owner
Jeff Thomlinson-Yoga Expert
Shelley MacGregor--Massage Therapist
and Triathlete In Transition is proud to introduce...
Steve King--The voice of Ironman Canada
Terry Laughlin--The creator of the TOTAL IMMERSION swim concept
as contributors to TRIATHLETE IN TRANSITION.
We share in a common goal of doing all we can to make your triathlon journey a rewarding and exciting experience.
This new book is available on Mindset Triathlon as a download. The cost is $18 for an instant download purchase and you "never" have to pay shipping costs.
Visit Mindset Triathlon and be one of the very first people in the world to read TRIATHLETE IN TRANSITION.