It was a busy weekend with a book signing at Tri It on Saturday and another at Coles bookstore in Market Mall. It was pretty quite in the Mall with the Calgary Stampede winding up today under a beautiful, sunny sky.
However I still had the opportunity to meet some pretty special people as I usually do on these book-signing excursions. Often it's the inter-acting with people that is the true reward and not whether or not they buy a book. Everyone has a story to tell and it's so rewarding just to listen to them and when possible help them find their way if they are starting out in the world of triathlon.
I remember quite clearly what it was like when the sport of triathlon became part of my life and most of the time it was a matter of stumbling around in the dark trying to find my way and hopefully find some answers to the many questions that arise when tackling that very first triathlon. I don't believe it is any different now. Although there are many more resources available than there were 25 years ago, the questions that are being asked today still have to be answered by someone.
What kind of diet should I be on? How often should I train? What's the best way to learn how to swim? How much should I spend on a bike?
Well, you get the picture. We asked those same questions back in 1984, except there were fewer(well, there were none)places to find the answers.
Lots of people, (triathletes and non-triathletes alike) are talking about the upcoming Ironman Calgary 70.3. There are still many city triathletes who are unaware that World Ironman Champion Craig Alexander from Australia is going to be head-lining the race.
What a great way to kick of the first ever Ironman Calgary 70.3.
Getting Creative With Advice
2 years ago