It's shaping up to be an amazing summer in Calgary as the Ironman Calgary 70.3 prepares to take center stage.
As usual, the hard-working team at Impact has done yet another spectacular job on the latest edition of their much-loved magazine that is soon to be in your hands. This is the Ironman 70.3 edition and includes everything from an Ironman Calgary 70.3 spectator guide, the list of pros who will be racing come August 2nd, a course map of the race-route, and a book review of the latest tri books that are sure to enhance your triathlon training, and racing.
You will also see another stunning Tri it picture and ad that provides a glimpse of some of the very fit and knowledgeable staff of one of the most complete triathlon stores in the country. Come on down and visit with the staff at Tri it and talk triathlon and check out some of the latest in tri gear that is available at very competitive prices.
I'm proud to say that Tri it has invited me to do a book signing this coming Saturday, July 11, 2009. I'll be there at 11 a.m. and will spend the afternoon at Tri it. Hope to meet some of you and look forward to signing copies of my two Ironstruck books for you. "Ironstruck...The Ironman Triathlon Journey" and my second book, "Ironstruck? 500 Ironman Triathlon Questions and Answers" have been very well received by the tri community.

As you can see, the staff at Impact has included my Q+A book in their triathlon book reviews. They also reviewed my first book in an earlier edition.
Impact has always supported the many Calgarians who are involved in the health, fitness, and sports arena, and it's just one more reason why Impact and the talented people who publish this magazine are so special and appreciated.
***If you are not local, but are interested in purchasing Ironstruck, books one and two, they are available as downloads at Mindset Triathlon. Mindset is the most complete triathlon online book store on the web and you'll notice that both Ironstruck books are ranked near the top of the best-seller list. You can save 30% from hard copy prices plus you will never have to worry about shipping costs.***