I can certainly remember the anxiety I felt when I was first ironstruck and determined to cross the Ironman finish line a quarter of a century ago. Talk about being in the dark. There was nowhere to turn back in 1984 for advice on anything to do with triathlon. There were no coaches, triathlon books, triathlon clothes, or triathlon equipment. The early Ironman was pretty well on a journey of self-discovery on a ship with no rudder.
Today there are many books out there that people purchase for advice and direction as they start out on the triathlon highway. Many have the ultimate goal of completing their first Ironman.

I have written two books under the title IRONSTRUCK. One is called IRONSTRUCK...THE IRONMAN TRIATHLON JOURNEY and the other is titled IRONSTRUCK? 500 IRONMAN TRIATHLON QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Both of these books are full of information that is mostly from all the mistakes I made in the 14 Ironman races I entered. Don't let the title fool you into thinking these books will not benefit you if your are light years away from the Ironman distance, because they will.
Both books are also about the different ideas and strategies I tried over the years when it came to preparing for Ironman race-day. Things like Heart-Monitor Training, Diet, vitamin supplements, Chiropractors, Visualization, and many other topics.

Most of all, Ironstruck is about believing in people and convincing them that they are capable of amazing feats they never thought in a million years they would be capable of. "Ironstruck...The Ironman Triathlon Journey" will help you appreciate just how special you are if only you believe in yourself and give yourself a chance. We are all---everyone of us---capable of making changes in the path our life takes and as a result accomplish incredible feats. Far too many people go through their entire lives without realizing their full potential on so many levels.
I am including the links that will take you to Lulu.com. They are the online publisher that I used to create both books. I realize that finances are an issue for many people these days and buying both books might be a bit expensive. If you are interested in purchasing these books and cost is an issue you have the option with Lulu of downloading the books for much less money and with no shipping costs. However, if at all possible it would be great if you had the real books to hold in your hand and take to your first Ironman race with you.
Have a look at
IRONSTRUCK? 500 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSThere are many great triathlon books out there that will help you with the technical side of training if that is what you are looking for. The Ironstruck set of books are not training books. They are not full of technical information and complicated training regimens that can often make the novice Ironman feel somehow inadequate and not enough of an athlete to take on the Ironman challenge.
When you read Ironstruck it will be like we are facing each other and talking over a coffee about the Ironman and how it is possible for you. That's exactly the type of emails I get many times......"It's like you are talking to me."
That's because I actually am.
Not for one moment do I forget how I felt when I was first Ironstruck and decided I just had to cross that Ironman finish line. That means I know "exactly" the thoughts and emotions you will be dealing with when it comes to your Ironman journey.
There are many great technical triathlon training books that will get you to the Ironman start line, but I know with all my heart that Ironstruck is the book that will give you the best chance of getting to the finish line.
"I wrote to you sometime last year, when I was debating whether or not to use a mountain bike for my first attempt at Ironman. You wrote a both sensible and encouraging reply.
In the end, I opted to purchase a road bike. I've forwarded you the story of how my race went. It's way long, admittedly, so don't expect you to read the whole thing. But I wanted to say thanks again for your book, which I read and re-read a bunch of times, and which was by far my favorite of all of the half dozen or so I read during the course of my training."
All the best,
"Totally enjoyed the book Ironstruck, it is definitely one of the better books on the market,and I totally agree in the swim concept of relaxing and of also taking your time in transition, more haste and less speed.
I'm certain that everyone who reads your book feels as I do, but most people do not take or find the time to express themselves. This is where I excel.
What I love most about your book is that it spoke to ME. It was not geared for IRONMAN finishers. It was for people like me that are on the fence of whether or not we could actually attain such an enormous feat. It's for the majority of us... It's for the people that are looking for something to change their life in so many ways on so many levels.
Your book is a blessing and my Bible. I read it constantly. It
already looks like it has been around for decades... It's bent;
dog-eared to death; written in all over; highlighted; and has a few food stains in it as I was always eating or snacking while reading it... I love my "Ironstruck" book, and I plan to promote it amongst my friends; Tri club; and anyone who wants to become IRONSTRUCK!!!"
Much gratitude & respect,
"I spoke to you several weeks ago. I bought your book and it was a
tremendous helper. You were also kind enough to give me some personal advice and coaching. I am proud to say that I AM AN IRONMAN!!! I did it!
Thanks a lot! For the last 18 miles (which in lake placid are all uphill)I kept repeating what you said,"I can do this" I did it man! Thanks for everything! I crossed the finish line at 15 hrs and 55min! Not the best time, but I could care less, I AM AN IRONMAN!!!! Thanks For everything, You really helped me and your book was invaluable!"
"I'm sure you get thousands of emails...especially after publishing your book but I wanted to email you and thank you for all the great advise I got from your website, from your emails (that you answered so promptly) and from your book. I just completed my first ironman CDA on June 24th. It was every bit the experience you talked about in your book...from the excitement of just making it to the "big day" to the pain, suffering and triumph of the swim, bike and run to the euphoric feeling of hearing that announcer say "YOU ARE AN IRON MAN!" It truly is something I will never forget. Although I didn't break any speed records I completed the ironman in 14 hours and 35 minutes which was a lot faster than I anticipated I would finish. I attribute that to heeding some very well given advise :)Thanks so much for your amazing book."