Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Finally the training for your first Ironman is done and you're in the taper mode.

Your attempt at Ironman immortality is close at hand. All the demons are beginning to surface and self-doubt is leading the way. Followed closely by that inevitable question........"What on earth have I gotten myself into?"

Fear not. Its quite possible that pretty well every ironman hopeful has had exactly those same feelings as the big day grows ever closer.

There seems to be a couple of reasons why almost everyone deals with this same issue. For one thing, you've put an immense amount of time and effort into your preparation. You've given up a lot and most likely family and social life have been put on hold.

The thought of failing and letting down everyone who has supported your preparation can become overwhelming if you dwell on it. Of course, the ultimate goal is to reach the elusive ironman finish line, but keep in mind the long list of accomplishments you have achieved by reaching the start line.

Maybe you had to learn how to swim, or had never been anywhere near a triathlon bike. Possibly you were a bit out of shape and not particularly pleased with what you saw when you looked in the mirror. Maybe your self-confidence was at a pretty low ebb. Let's face it, sometimes life can get a little stagnant and repetitive and it seems nothing will ever change it.

Then one day, something pretty amazing happened. You were "Ironstruck." Something moved you about this event and a spark was ignited that brought about a stunning metamorphosis.

Wow!! Look how far you've come!

You are most likely in the best shape of your life. You have a better understanding of diet and nutrition--of training and resting--of sacrifice and accomplishment.

You are already a new, improved version of yourself and as result have done something very special for yourself and all those who care about you. All this, and you have yet to start the race. You simply cannot fail, because of what you have already accomplished, you have won.

So.......don't fear the Ironman. Embrace it. Go to the start area early on race morning. Feel the remarkable power, spirit and exhilaration that builds as the starting gun nears. Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone and at that moment in time you are an integral part of the fittest single group of people in the world.

Have confidence in your preparation. You have earned the right to participate. That spark that was ignited months ago has led you down this path.

Welcome the challenge and soon you will come to know what you are truly capable of. You will leave your comfort zone and surpass physical, mental and emotional limits that you never thought you were capable of and that tiny spark will become a glow that will stay with you forever.


I can certainly remember the anxiety I felt when I was first ironstruck and determined to cross the Ironman finish line a quarter of a century ago. Talk about being in the dark. There was nowhere to turn back in 1984 for advice on anything to do with triathlon. There were no coaches, triathlon books, triathlon clothes, or triathlon equipment. The early Ironman was pretty well on a journey of self-discovery on a ship with no rudder.

Today there are many books out there that people purchase for advice and direction as they start out on the triathlon highway. Many have the ultimate goal of completing their first Ironman.

I have written two books under the title IRONSTRUCK. One is called IRONSTRUCK...THE IRONMAN TRIATHLON JOURNEY and the other is titled IRONSTRUCK? 500 IRONMAN TRIATHLON QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Both of these books are full of information that is mostly from all the mistakes I made in the 14 Ironman races I entered. Don't let the title fool you into thinking these books will not benefit you if your are light years away from the Ironman distance, because they will.

Both books are also about the different ideas and strategies I tried over the years when it came to preparing for Ironman race-day. Things like Heart-Monitor Training, Diet, vitamin supplements, Chiropractors, Visualization, and many other topics.

Most of all, Ironstruck is about believing in people and convincing them that they are capable of amazing feats they never thought in a million years they would be capable of. "Ironstruck...The Ironman Triathlon Journey" will help you appreciate just how special you are if only you believe in yourself and give yourself a chance. We are all---everyone of us---capable of making changes in the path our life takes and as a result accomplish incredible feats. Far too many people go through their entire lives without realizing their full potential on so many levels.

I am including the links that will take you to Lulu.com. They are the online publisher that I used to create both books. I realize that finances are an issue for many people these days and buying both books might be a bit expensive. If you are interested in purchasing these books and cost is an issue you have the option with Lulu of downloading the books for much less money and with no shipping costs. However, if at all possible it would be great if you had the real books to hold in your hand and take to your first Ironman race with you.

Have a look at




There are many great triathlon books out there that will help you with the technical side of training if that is what you are looking for. The Ironstruck set of books are not training books. They are not full of technical information and complicated training regimens that can often make the novice Ironman feel somehow inadequate and not enough of an athlete to take on the Ironman challenge.

When you read Ironstruck it will be like we are facing each other and talking over a coffee about the Ironman and how it is possible for you. That's exactly the type of emails I get many times......"It's like you are talking to me."

That's because I actually am.

Not for one moment do I forget how I felt when I was first Ironstruck and decided I just had to cross that Ironman finish line. That means I know "exactly" the thoughts and emotions you will be dealing with when it comes to your Ironman journey.

There are many great technical triathlon training books that will get you to the Ironman start line, but I know with all my heart that Ironstruck is the book that will give you the best chance of getting to the finish line.


"I wrote to you sometime last year, when I was debating whether or not to use a mountain bike for my first attempt at Ironman. You wrote a both sensible and encouraging reply.

In the end, I opted to purchase a road bike. I've forwarded you the story of how my race went. It's way long, admittedly, so don't expect you to read the whole thing. But I wanted to say thanks again for your book, which I read and re-read a bunch of times, and which was by far my favorite of all of the half dozen or so I read during the course of my training."

All the best,


"Totally enjoyed the book Ironstruck, it is definitely one of the better books on the market,and I totally agree in the swim concept of relaxing and of also taking your time in transition, more haste and less speed.

I'm certain that everyone who reads your book feels as I do, but most people do not take or find the time to express themselves. This is where I excel.

What I love most about your book is that it spoke to ME. It was not geared for IRONMAN finishers. It was for people like me that are on the fence of whether or not we could actually attain such an enormous feat. It's for the majority of us... It's for the people that are looking for something to change their life in so many ways on so many levels.

Your book is a blessing and my Bible. I read it constantly. It
already looks like it has been around for decades... It's bent;
dog-eared to death; written in all over; highlighted; and has a few food stains in it as I was always eating or snacking while reading it... I love my "Ironstruck" book, and I plan to promote it amongst my friends; Tri club; and anyone who wants to become IRONSTRUCK!!!"

Much gratitude & respect,


"I spoke to you several weeks ago. I bought your book and it was a
tremendous helper. You were also kind enough to give me some personal advice and coaching. I am proud to say that I AM AN IRONMAN!!! I did it!

Thanks a lot! For the last 18 miles (which in lake placid are all uphill)I kept repeating what you said,"I can do this" I did it man! Thanks for everything! I crossed the finish line at 15 hrs and 55min! Not the best time, but I could care less, I AM AN IRONMAN!!!! Thanks For everything, You really helped me and your book was invaluable!"


"I'm sure you get thousands of emails...especially after publishing your book but I wanted to email you and thank you for all the great advise I got from your website, from your emails (that you answered so promptly) and from your book. I just completed my first ironman CDA on June 24th. It was every bit the experience you talked about in your book...from the excitement of just making it to the "big day" to the pain, suffering and triumph of the swim, bike and run to the euphoric feeling of hearing that announcer say "YOU ARE AN IRON MAN!" It truly is something I will never forget. Although I didn't break any speed records I completed the ironman in 14 hours and 35 minutes which was a lot faster than I anticipated I would finish. I attribute that to heeding some very well given advise :)Thanks so much for your amazing book."


Monday, June 29, 2009


I have come across dozens of people in the course of my book signings who claim they could never consider doing an Ironman because they have no idea how to swim, or like I was when I was first Ironstruck, they are deathly afraid of the water. Even many of the brave and adventurous souls who manage to push aside their fears and doubts and learn how to swim well enough to take on the challenge, still dread the swim leg of their upcoming first Ironman.

Even though my first Ironman was over a quarter of a century ago in 1984, I can still recall the fear that gripped me as I waited for the starting cannon to sound. Like it was yesterday, I recall with distinct clarity standing knee-deep in the warm waters of Kona harbor and looking up and watching the ABC helicopters circle over-head. "What on earth have I gotten myself into," I remember thinking. Yet despite my misgivings I wore one of the early Ironman Hawaii finisher medals around my neck some 14 hours later.

So, if you are one of those who have this same fear and doubt, then perhaps I can enlighten you and possibly calm your fears by expressing five of the main reasons I feel the swim is such a physical, mental, and emotional stumbling block for so many.
I managed to over-come my fears and doubts and became an Ironman that day, and you will have your moment in the sun as well. Your misgivings about the Ironman swim can be overcome and the Ironman finish line is within your reach.

1)As kids most of us probably had the opportunity to go to the beach at some point in our lives. We have memories of hot Summer days, building sand-castles, playing and splashing in knee-deep water and that terrifying moment when we took that one extra step out from shore and were suddenly in over our heads. There is a reasonable explanation why it can be so frightening. When we are in the water we are out of our element. We are land dwellers and are really ill-equipped genetically to feel "natural" in the water. In order to learn how to swim, it's necessary to learn the essential skills that will enable us to stay afloat and survive in a foreign environment. Regardless of how much time many novice Ironman will commit to learning how to swim, they still remain uncomfortable with the idea of being in open water over their heads. So the number one reason why it's quite normal for the novice Ironman to dread the Ironman swim is because they are simply out of their natural element. However you can take solace in the fact that this fear is blown all out of proportion in our minds and can and will be overcome on race morning.

2)It seems challenging enough just to learn how to swim, but the thought of being in the water with all those other swimmers can be particularly unnerving. Most likely you have heard all about the banging and crashing that goes on in the Ironman swim and the thought is unsettling for you. It's quite possible to avoid the potential mayhem by having a workable plan in place. Just on your left you will see my links. Later on, visit the one called "Ironman Swim Strategy". It will calm any fear you might feel and help you on your way to an enjoyable and worry-free swim.

3)You might think you will be out of place on Ironman morning. You will be joined by hundreds or possibly a couple of thousand others waiting for the starting gun and in your mind you might think they are all great swimmers and you don't belong. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sure, there are Olympic world class swimmers, pro triathletes, water-polo players, synchronized swimmers and many others who appear to be gifted, natural swimmers. In reality, they spent years and years and hundreds of hours in the water learning those skills and they make up a very small proportion of the population in the big scheme of things. In reality, most likely around 55-60% of the starters in your first Ironman race will be feeling much as you do. You will not be alone and yes, "you do belong!" You have earned the right to be there and as your Ironman day progresses you will feel the power and uplifting spirit of so many of you striving for the same goal and conquering the same fears. It is that spirit that is the very essence of the Ironman.

4)It's not unusual to have the feeling that once you get out in that water, there will be no escape and no recourse should something go wrong. Even with all those other swimmers around you, you imagine yourself being entirely alone. It's very true that the other swimmers will be of little help and will not even realize that you might be in trouble. You have fears of swallowing water, goggles filling with water or fogging up, or even getting clobbered on the back of the head by a wayward arm. Keep in mind that there will be dozens of lifeguards in canoes and kayaks in the water watching over you. They will be trained over the course of their pre-race meetings to look for swimmers who are in trouble. Chances are, that any point in the swim you will be able to stop swimming and look around and there will be a canoe or kayak close to you. Simply put your arm up until you get there attention. They will be looking for this and will come to you. Yes, you are allowed to hang on to a canoe or kayak without being disqualified. They will give you time to fix your goggles etc. but will not propel you forward. Do what you have to do then let go and carry on swimming. Remember to always take hold of the stern(back)of a canoe and not the side as you may tip it.

5)As you make your way to the swim start you may begin to have your doubts about your preparation for this day. You may not "feel" like you are capable of finishing the swim and then taking on the bike and the run. Much of how you feel mentally, physically, and emotionally on Ironman morning will be brought on by self-induced stress. It is only natural to begin to doubt yourself. After all, this is the Ironman and you are looking straight into the eye of the tiger. Nobody ever said it would be easy. That's exactly what makes the Ironman such an accomplishment of body, mind and spirit. You will be amazed how you will feel a few hundred meters into the swim. If you go into the swim with a nice "relaxed, long, smooth, stroke" and have a swim-plan in mind long before you ever get to the Ironman venue, you will soon wonder what all the worry and fear was all about. Shortly after the gun sounds you will feel the euphoria of being in the most energy-charged spot on earth at that moment. You will be lifted by the realization that so many of you have a common goal. The energy you thought you never had will be there for you and it will be super-charged by the adrenaline coursing through your body.

I hope this answers some of your concerns about the Ironman swim. Stand on that shore-line Ironman morning with pride and power. You have earned the right, so embrace the challenge secure in the knowledge that the magic of the Ironman finish line is close at hand.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


For the beginner triathlete and first-time Ironman it can be quite confusing trying to figure out exactly what they should be buying in the way of equipment. It wasn't too hard to figure out when I started my Ironman career, because it was a struggle just to find a pair of tri-shorts. As a matter of fact, back in 1984 I never did find a pair at home in Canada and bought a cool pair from some guy from California who was selling them out of his hotel room. As far as bikes "FORGET ABOUT IT" because there were no bikes back then that were equipped for Ironman racing. By that I mean, there were no aero-bars, snap-in pedals, titanium, or bike computers. Basically, bikes were steel-framed monstrosities that weighed about as much as a small car. My piece of crap bike cost a total of $300 brand new and someone had stuck a triathlon sticker on it. That made my day.

Here are five things to remember when hunting down the equipment you will need as you begin your triathlon career.

1) There are certain pieces of tri equipment one should avoid skimping on. Running shoes are a good example. It might cost a bit more to ensure the shoes you buy give you proper support, but it's vitally important when it comes to preventing injury. It's also important to make sure you replace them when they begin to wear down and that support diminishes. It would also be wise to ensure that you have a good pair of swimming goggles that are fog resistant and leak-proof. Everyone has a different face-shape and requires the right goggles to fit that shape. Both these factors are important when it comes to open water swimming.

2)It's important to decide what direction you think your triathlon career will take. Is it your goal to reach that Ironman finish line once, or do you plan on making it a career? Do you plan on doing lots of shorter races as you work your way up to the Ironman distance or are you just going for the big one with no stops along the way? These are important considerations when deciding on your triathlon equipment. Many people are not sure what will happen in the future. It makes sense because they have never experienced the training and racing situations that evolve from the sport of triathon. My best advice to any beginner triathlete/ironman is to not go crazy on equipment early on in their career. At least not until they decide how long that career is going to be.

3)When it comes to road bikes there is something to always keep in mind. There is a point of diminishing returns. By that I mean, some people buy bikes that are so high tech that the bike is way ahead of their ability level. By high tech I mean they buy the bike with the most expensive and lightest components on the market. There is no bike magic. It cannot pedal for you if you have an energy bonk from not eating and hydrating properly or if you lack the years of training and experience that warrants a high-end bike. Most bike manufacturer's build excellent products and a mid-priced bike will do you nicely. If your career carries on for years, you can always upgrade to another bike as your ability improves.

4)If money is scarce, there is no reason you cannot buy much of your equipment used. Keep in mind as I just mentioned, that triathletes often upgrade the equipment they use as their career moves forward. Depending where you live, there can be a lot of good quality used triathlon equipment available. Often it's a buyers market and that's good for triathletes who are on a budget and just starting out. Wetsuits are good for years and countless training and event swims, but often you will find used wetsuits that have only been used a handful of times as most triathletes tend to do the majority of their swim training in a pool.

5)The single most important consideration when purchasing any of your triathlon equipment is the "fit." Regardless if equipment is new or used, it's important that the fit is just right for you. A wetsuit that is too tight will constrict you and make your swimming much more difficult that it has to be. A bike helmet that is too loose will not protect you properly should you be in an accident. If you are not fitted properly to your bike you will not be efficient, will not develop a proper "economical spin," and your large muscle groups will not be properly utilized. Whatever amount you spend on your bike, make sure that a professional tweaks it so you fit on the bike properly. The bike seat, the handle-bars, or the stem can all be adjusted even if the frame is not quite perfect for you.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Training for your first triathlon/Ironman does not have to be an expensive proposition. For some people it's important to have the very best tri clothing and a top-of-the-line bike, but if it's not within your budget to have the very best don't worry about it. I did Ironman Hawaii in 1984 on a piece of crap bike with none of the tri-specific options like bike computers, titanium, aero-bars, and clipless pedals that are available today and survived the race and became an Ironman. Many others did as well, so don't let it deter you if you are on a tight budget.

In the end, it's not so much the bike the triathlete is on as it is the triathlete on the bike that will go further toward determining how well you perform. For instance, the best bike in the world will do you little good if your intake of food, water, and energy drinks is insufficient and you end up with no energy left to turn the pedals.

The amount you spend on equipment also depends on the goals you set for yourself. There are those who have a dream of reaching the Ironman finish line just once. Perhaps they have family and career commitments that do not afford them the opportunity to train year after year and basically they have one shot at it. On the other hand there are others who eventually begin a triathlon career that will last for many years and it actually becomes a way of life for them.

Some people don't really know which direction their triathlon career will follow until they've given it a try and find out what it's all about.

I will discuss the different types of equipment I feel are very important to have and others that you can do without in more detail as I continue on with my blog, Ironstruck4triathletes.


If you are not a very fit person, that need not hold you back from becoming an Ironman. If you can't swim a stroke, that need not hold you back from being an Ironman. Never been on a road bike? Don't worry, you will remember how to ride a bike. It's just that this one will just be lighter and faster and more fun to ride.

Swimming, biking, and running.......Are you good at one of them, two of them, or maybe none of them?

Doesn't matter a bit. Ironstruck still has no doubt you can make it to the Ironman finish line. Soon, I will make you a believer as well. Swimming, biking, and running, are all learned skills. That means that the average person can learn how to do all three regardless of what their ability level is at the moment.

"IF" you are truly Ironstruck and have the desire, then you have the major component in place to begin and be successful in your Ironman Journey.

Soon you will become an unstoppable force. The more control of your life you get, the better you feel and the better you feel, the easier it is to continue on. Soon you will be on your way and will improve not only on a physical level, but will also develop self-esteem that may have been missing for a while and along with that will come a belief in yourself and you are on your way to a new improved you.

It's not rocket-science. People just have no idea of just how powerful they are and what they are truly capable on so many levels. It sometimes just takes a small nudge in the right direction to get them started and for the realization to set in...Hey! I can do this!


Everyone's Ironman journey has a different starting point. It depends on several things that relate to your current physical conditioning and ability in the swimming, biking and running events that make up the Ironman.

You may also have issues like being overweight, smoking, drinking, drug abuse, or any number of other minor stumbling blocks that life has a way of putting in our path. I truly believe they are put there just to test us. If we resist and seek a better way of life it's not long before what was perceived as a major problem is left in a wake of self-discovery and accomplishment as you begin your journey to a better way of life on many levels.

The key to being successful in the quest to reaching the Ironman finish line is desire. People who are truly Ironstruck will find that it's call is simply overwhelming and makes our other problems not quite so difficult to leave behind. For instance, I had tried to quit smoking many times, but never could. I think it was because I never had a reason that was better than the pleasure of that smoke coursing in and out of my lungs gave me.

However, the day I decided I wanted to run and become a marathoner more than anything was the day I left my smoking habit behind. It was simple. I finally found something that mattered to me more than laying on the couch smoking 40 cigarettes a day and drinking 6 0r 8 bottles of beer and basically, going nowhere with my life.

I knew I could not keep both, so one had to go. The thing that mattered most to me stayed and the cigarettes were gone for good. You are quite capable of making the same decisions once you have become Ironstruck. Whether you are a smoker or 80 pounds over-weight doesn't really make a difference. Your past problems will disappear in a could of dust in your wake if your desire and the call of the Ironman is strong enough.

Friday, June 26, 2009



If you are still sitting on the fence and not quite sure that the Ironman is something you would like to attempt in the next year or two, there is one thing I always suggest to people. I suggest they choose an Ironman race they would like to do as their first one when the big day comes. The first Ironman you compete in is something you will remember for a life-time. When I started out just over 25 years ago, there was only one Ironman to enter because Kona was the only one. Now there are Ironman distance races in cities all over the world. Once you pick that race, I suggest going out the next time the race comes around and being a spectator or volunteering for the race. This serves several purposes. First of all you will better understand just how the Ironman works. You will also be able to familiarize yourself with the host town or city and find out how best to get around. Also, I can almost guarantee you will be swept up in the excitement and the drama of the Ironman and if all you needed was just a small push to convince you to sign up, this would most likely be it.

Best of all, most Ironman races fill up very quickly and if you are at the venue there is a good chance you will be able to sign up for the next year because you are there. Plus most Ironman races are great tourist destinations, and if you are planning a holiday anyway why not pick a city that's hosting an Ironman while you are there on your vacation.


What amazing venue will you choose for yourself? What part of the world will you travel to in order to take on the Ironman challenge? There is a world of possibilities. For many reasons, it might be wise to stay close to home. For instance if you are in driving distance you will eliminate the need to worry about booking flights and transporting your bike and wondering if it will arrive in Texas while you are arriving in Idaho. You will also be able to take much of your own food. If you are really on top of things, and if you have visited my Ironstruck website, you will have heeded my advice and will book a fully equipped kitchenette so you can cook your own meals and not change up your diet just before the big race. If you happen to live in Western Canada or in one of the North-West states........


Being a part of Ironman excitement either as a spectator or a volunteer will certainly charge your batteries and make you even more eager to begin training when you return home. As you watch the Ironman unfold you will begin to realize how amazing the participants really are. You will also notice that many of them do not look like your typical "ripped" athlete. These incredible people are men and women from every walk of life and diverse backgrounds who have traveled from around the world to take part in the race you are witnessing.


Yes, when it comes to the Ironman, the world is your stage. Simply decide what destination intrigues you or makes the most sense to you financially or geographically. There might be any number of qualities that attracts you to a specific Ironman. Maybe it happens to be a part of the world you always wanted to visit or perhaps it's in your own home town. Perhaps you live in the United Kingdom and prefer to stay close to home. In that case you might want to take in........


The possibilities are endless.

Have you always been intrigued by Africa?

Well here's your chance to visit this incredible country and at the same time swim the warm waters of Mandella Bay when the starting gun sounds for your first Ironman race and just perhaps you will .....


Let your imagination run wild and believe in yourself and all things will become possible. You will amaze your family, friends, co-workers, and most of all, yourself when you step through the door of self-discovery that is there for all of us to open if only we find the courage to take the first few steps to a new beginning.

Do you feel it? Are you drawn to the Ironman? Is it calling to you? Is it challenging you? If it is, then I truly believe you are one of the chosen ones because only certain people here the call and have the unstoppable desire to answer it. Your destiny awaits you. Yes.....you are Ironstruck and you have come to the right place. You are home...........

Thursday, June 25, 2009


First of all, if you have gotten to the point where you are pretty well certain you are going to take on the Ironman challenge, then good for you! You are about to find out a lot about yourself and most likely you will change your life for the better forever. The Ironman is much more than an athletic event. From the very beginning when there were only a handful of daring souls willing to tackle the Ironman it has been more than an athletic event.

It's an awakening......It's a happening.......It's about becoming so much more than you ever thought possible on so many levels. You will be tested not only physically, but mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. On a practical level, you will most likely learn many new skills. Most people who decide to take on the Ironman are usually proficient in one of the three sports. Some are pretty good at two, but few are good at all three. Some have never done much swimming, biking or running. There are some like myself who were runners, but could not swim a single stroke to save their lives. That all changes once you take on the challenge of the Iron Gods. You learn how to swim, buy yourself your first road bike, start running a little at a time, read triathlon books, or get yourself a coach. Whatever you do, you are learning and improving and moving forward. Sure you learn a lot about swimming, biking and running, but you also learn about how to train, when to rest, and when to allow a bit of extra time for you body to recover. You will most likely learn a lot about eating properly and what vitamins might help you. You will learn about energy bars, gels, sports drinks, wet suits, profile bars, and heart monitors. You might learn about visualization, massage therapy, and chiropractors and whether they work for you or not. To put it simply, taking on the Ironman challenge opens up a whole new world to you.

Always look at the big picture...........You can put an incredible amount of mental, physical, and emotional strain on yourself by obsessing about whether or not you are training enough, eating properly or possibly you will have doubts about even daring to have this Ironman dream. You might ask yourself what you are doing. Do you really belong? Are you good enough?

Of course you belong and yes!......you are good enough! It is within your grasp if it' s in your heart. If it takes you three years to get to the swim start of your first Ironman, just think of all that you have learned along the way. One day you will be standing in front of a mirror and see how great you look and how far you have come.......AND THE RACE HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET!!! That's why you look at the big picture. There are so many rewards that will come your way during your Ironman journey.

So maybe you smoke, drink, do drugs, are overweight, or possibly have a self-esteem problem, don't believe in yourself, or perhaps all of the above. It doesn't really matter what stumbling blocks have been put in your path---And that's all they are! They are life's stumbling blocks. If it's in your heart, I truly believe it's possible to open the door to a new life and a new you any day you choose to do it.

I believe people are Ironstruck for a reason. I believe it's because those people are ready for a change in their life. Something is missing and they don't really know what. All they know is that somehow they feel incomplete..........that something is left undone...........that there are things left to do with their life. They watch an Ironman race in person or on T.V. and see for themselves the unadulterated joy of many people when they reach the Ironman finish line. All kinds of people. Housewives, cops, movie stars, pro athletes, senior citizens, millionaires, executives, or whoever....... It doesn't matter. They have all transcended to a place far beyond their station in life. Most of all, they were all equal on the Ironman highway. They all faced their demons, whatever they happened to be, and overcame them............

......and so can you.

That's why I think becoming a member of the Ironman family is so significant and such an accomplishment no matter who you are, what you do, or what country you live in.

So hang on to your dream and visit with me and let ironstruck lead you to the final 50 meter dash to the Ironman finish line. I believe in you and will help you to believe in yourself.

Perhaps you will choose to have the books I created specifically for those who love the sport of triathlon and perhaps have an Ironman dream. Ironstuck...The Ironman Triathlon Journey and Ironstruck? 500 Ironman Triathlon Questions and Answers have been instrumental in helping many aspiring triathletes live their dream.

Many people will spend thousands of dollars on bikes, equipment, traveling, lodging and entry fees and yet investing in these two Ironstruck books might ultimately be what will get you to the finish line.

There is simply no teacher as good as experience, and all the information my books contain is based on the mistakes I made over a 25 year involvement with the Ironman and the 14 times I stood knee-deep at a swim start somewhere in the world getting ready to take on the Ironman challenge. These are the same mistakes that inexperienced Ironmen make at every single Ironman event, but my books will help you avoid them.




Most likely you will never forget the first time you decided you wanted to give the IRONMAN TRIATHLON a try. Somehow it moved you....somehow it called you to action. Instinctively you just know that however long it takes, you are going to cross the Ironman finish line one day. You might not know just yet what race or what date, you just know it's going to happen. You may may not be very fit at the moment. You may even smoke or be overweight. You maybe have never been very athletic your entire life. Hell! you can't even swim a single stroke and are TERRIFIED of the water! Still, you have heard the call. It's a call that chosen people have been hearing for just over 30 years when this amazing event was first devised. I say chosen because the challenge just hits some people like a ton of bricks and they can't let go. The are DRIVEN to reach the Ironman finish line.

It can be an exhilarating experience. I know. I've been there. Didn't know anything about racing bikes, couldn't swim a stroke, never swam in the open water, but saw the Ironman on T.V. and was hooked. The Iron Gods had me in their unshakeable grasp from that moment on.

Just over a year later I crossed the finish line in Ironman Hawaii in Kona in 1984.

I remember making the swim turn 1.2 miles out in Kona Harbor and wondering "what the Hell am I doing way out here?" It was so surreal, yet I knew I was about to change my life forever.

When I crossed the finish line some 14 hours after the start swim cannon went off, I was right...It did change my life forever. Fourteen Ironman races later, an Ironman website, and two Ironman books later, and it has all brought me here to you...

Here to inspire, motivate and guide you and give you a name for the incredible force that drives to be an Ironman.........You have been IRONSTRUCK, and have come to the right place. Stay tuned for how you too can have Ironman immortality.